A couple of days ago, I read the article in Jiangnan Metropolis by change, which tells me that teensen genesis school recruits teachers heavily: The whole package values 750000, twelve years of tuitions of teacher’s children will be totally waived, the annual salary starts at 120000, and teachers have 165 days of paid vacation every year. From this offer, it’s not hard to understand that Teensen is dedicated to the sincerity of high-quality education and the design for good teachers. It is so cool to spend big price to recruit these teachers and this behavior makes me deeply interested in Teensen.
Although I am not familiar with Teensen genesis school, the international department of this school—Teensen No.1 high school is famous . And through various channels, now I know more things of Teensen.
天行创世纪学校不惜巨资打造名师天团。其国际高中组建了一支以中外博士领衔的强大教师团队,90%以上教师拥有硕士及以上学历,外教均持有TESOL或TEFL等国际教师资格证书以及3年以上在中国教授A-Level课程经验。天行还拥有在各个学术或教育领域具有建树的学术顾问博士团。之前就有看到过天行斥巨资指派老师前往英国百年老校学习了一个月的报道,向一流靠拢 英国名校教学能给我们启发什么?天行还成立了“天行教师学院”为老师们提供各类的学习培训。拥抱变化 创作未来——天行一中首届管理干部集训营圆满结营如此大成本投资老师,这也让我对这所学校更有好感。
Teensen genesis school pays a big price to build an Alpha team. Their international study department has established a strong teaching team which led by domestic and foreign doctors. And more than 90% of their teachers have at least master degree. Besides, all foreigh teachers in Teensen hold TESOL, TEFL or other international teachers certificates and more than three years of experience in teaching A-level coursed in China. Meanwhile, Teensen has a doctoral team of academic advisers in various academic and educational fields. And I got reports that Teensen sent teachers to study in century-old schools in UK for one month at a huge expense. And “Teensen teacher Academy” is also set up to provide various kinds of teaching and training to Teensen’teachers. Investing in teachers at such a large cost makes me feel good about this school.
Teensen genesis is a school that has made gratifying achievements in teaching. 100 percent of its international high school graduates in 2019 have been accepted by the world’s top 100 universities. Du Heng and Li Xinyue were invited to Oxford and Cambridge for interviews, which created the history of local international high schools in Jiangxi province. And all of the graduates of the class of 2020 have been admitted by Top60 universities in the world. In addition, students of Teensen are still active on the stages of various international competitions, and they have repeatedly achieved many successes.
There is no doubt that there must be a group of excellent teachers behind this achievement. When I see these things, my heart is captured. Who doesn’t want their children to become equally excellent?
I totally agree with the core value of “ one principle and three rules “put forward by Teensen—creating an ecological environment that is conductive to students’ vigorous growth, making teachers and students more efficient in teaching and learning, students’ grades can be steadily improved, and their quality can be continuously and comprehensively developed.
As parents, we all hope that children can learn and grow in a relaxed, harmonious and comfortable atmosphere. Students can help, unite and love each other. And teachers are approachable and love their jobs. According to the characteristics of each student, he/she will be taught according to his/her aptitude. Teacher is really good for the students, not for the purpose of "teaching", but the result of "teaching". The relationship between the students and teachers of Teensen International Department is either teachers or friends, getting along harmoniously. I believe that this atmosphere will continue to pass on. And Teensen met my expectations for a good school.
Teensen Genesis School is located in the National Forest Park and has inherent natural advantages. In addition, it is equipped with complete hardware facilities, library, student activity room, playground, laboratory, golf training ground, pine forest wild fun, small wetland park, riverside leisure Area, nature paradise, wisteria trellis, TV station, gymnasium, etc. Such a campus environment could make children grow up happier and healthier.
Chinese parents do have a high expectations of our children. In order to make kids have advantages at the starting line, we make a lot of trouble which upsets our children. Chinese-style education has always been implemented in the education of children. And I am deeply touched by what I see in Teensen. Not only do I see a group of other people's children, but more importantly, I understand how other people's schools cultivate other people's children. A excellent school has elite teachers, and they trains brilliant students. Now, I want my child to join them, live and study in this school.
撰写:Mrs Zhong
编辑:Wendy 贾西贝
翻译:Leo 应 立
视频:Louis 胡 猜
Leo 罗 睿
朗读:Silence 曾上游
Coral 万彦珊
主编:Jane 肖 依
总编:Johnson 张世霖
—Power by Teensen Media—
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