

College blues


Could a fifth of America’s colleges really face thechop?


Problems thatpredatedthe virus have beenacceleratedby it


1. MARTYNA MALECKA, acriminologystudent at Stonehill College, can’t wait for classes to restart in August. Her campus in Easton, Massachusetts, “feels like a village”: its elegant red-brick buildingssprawl over384bucolicacres. She judges time spent there less of a coronavirus risk than staying at home in Chicago.


2. Universities everywhere have madevaliantefforts to function remotely. A few, such as California State University, say they will continue teaching only online next year. Ms Malecka doubts that distance study works. She gets top marks, but laughingly admits she has “no idea” what she has learned after being at home since March. It is too easy to ignore lecturers who appear by video, she says, and some hardly set assignments. Like other students, families and faculty, shecravesin-person learning.


3. Whether or not universities get back quickly to that, many are likely to suffer. Stonehill is private and Catholic, with 2,500 students and a $200mendowment. It looksin good shape, but many similar liberal-arts colleges, especially in the north-east and Midwest, are not. Their problems arelong-standing.Nathan Grawe of Carleton College in Minnesota, who researchesdemographyand higher education, says the core difficulty is the slipping fertility rate.Overall enrolment hasdrifted downover the past few years.

不管高校能否尽快实现线下教学,但是很多高校都会遭遇困境。石山学院是一家私立的天主教大学,在校学生2500名,还有2亿美元的捐赠基金。石山学院状况不错,但是许多类似的文科院校,尤其是东北部和中西部的文科院校,却并非如此。他们的问题由来已久。明尼苏达州卡尔顿学院研究人口统计学和高等教育的Nathan Grawe说核心问题是生育率的下降,这导致在过去的几年里,入学率总体上有所下降。

4. This squeezes smaller colleges hardest.A study by Parthenon-EY, an education consultancy, of over 2,000 colleges suggested 800 are so small orinefficientthat they maygo bust.Around one-fifth run budget deficits. Otherspile up debts, fail to build sufficientendowmentsor sustain student numbers only by agreeing to painfully bigdiscountson fees. Mr Grawe points out that eight colleges were already closing each year before the pandemic.


5. Those that fail are usually small, among the 40% of higher-education institutions with fewer than 1,000 students. In the past decade these have seen enrolments slip faster than medium-sized ones. (The biggest typically still thrive.) Of the 72 colleges Parthenon found had shut since 2007, almost every one was small. They are vulnerable because they depend most on revenue from students; others find ways to hire out campuses for conferences, raise research funds, earnbequestsand the like.

在学生人数少于1000人的高校中,有40%面临破产。在过去十年,这些学校的入学人数下降的速度超过了中等规模的学校(然而规模最大的高校仍在蓬勃发展。) Parthenon发现,自2007年来关闭的72所高校中,几乎每一所都很小。他们很脆弱,因为他们对学生带来的收入依赖最高;另一些人则采取将当做会议场地租出去、筹集研究资金、赚取遗赠等措施。

6. Robert Zemsky of the University of Pennsylvania, who co-wrote a recent book on the growing woes of universities, expects a “collapse, lots of closures” of smaller colleges, notably in the wider Midwest. He blames both demography and teaching methods that do not suit some students, noting how, at many universities, more than a quarter of freshmen quit in their first year. Curriculums, he says, are outdated, faculty are out of touch and four-year degrees should be cut to three to save costs and force a rethink of higher education.

宾夕法尼亚大学的罗伯特 泽姆斯基最近与人合写了一本书,关注高校日益恶化的困境,他指出,规模较小的大学会“崩塌,大量关闭”,尤其是在中西部地区。他将此归咎于人口问题和不适合某些学生的教学方法。他指出,在许多高校,超过四分之一的新生在入学第一年就退学了。他说,课程已经过时,师资脱节,四年制学位应该削减到三年制,以节省成本,这也迫使人们反思高等教育存在的问题。

7. Among the most vulnerable colleges are those that cater mostly to non-white students. “African-Americans are more than two times as likely to attend an institution at risk, compared with whites and Hispanics,” he says. Crystal Nix-Hines, a lawyer in Los Angeles who specialises in the education sector, also expects an “enormouswinnowing” of historically black colleges.

风险最大的大学是那些主要面向非白人学生群体的大学。他说:“非裔美国人进入面临危机的高校的可能性是白人和西班牙裔美国人的两倍多。”专门从事教育领域工作的洛杉矶律师克里斯特尔 尼克斯-海恩斯(Crystal fox - hines)也估计,历史上的黑人大学将“大量被淘汰”。

8.Consolidationof higher education isoverdue.Students increasingly prefer bigger and more urban institutions, so some smaller, rural ones will go. How many? Just before the pandemic, Mr Zemsky and his co-authors suggested that 10% of colleges would eventually close. He now expects 20% to shut ormerge withothers.


9. The pandemic further dims their prospects in several ways. Take universities’ efforts to recruit foreign students, who typically pay full fees. For each of the past three years, enrolments of foreign undergraduates have slid. A drop in Chinese students explains much of that. Travel bans and concern that America hasbungledthe coronavirus will only put off more.


10. The economic slump means some poorer families will not send youngsters to study. Others will delay. Funding from states for public universities is certain to fall. A report by Pew Charitable Trusts published on May 18th points out that states cut funds for higher education by 29% per student between 2008 and 2012. This time the slump is likely to be worse. Already Nevada and Ohio say they have plans to cut. The University of Michigan has talked of losing out on $1bn. Federal spending will rise ($14bn in emergency help went to universities and students under the Cares Act), but is unlikely to make up all the shortfall.

经济衰退意味着一些不那么富裕的家庭可能会放弃送孩子留学。还有一些人则会推迟留学计划。各州对公立大学的资助肯定会减少。皮尤慈善信托基金5月18日发布的一份报告指出,2008年至2012年间,各州将每个学生的高等教育经费削减了29%。而这一次,削减可能会加大。内华达州和俄亥俄州已经表示他们已有削减计划。密歇根大学(University of Michigan)曾表示将损失10亿美元。政府支出将会增加(根据《关爱法案》,140亿美元的紧急援助将提供给各高校及学生),但这还不能填补所有缺口。

11. Finally, many universities face possibly costly legal trouble. Ms Nix-Hines counted 134 lawsuits, mostly class-action ones,levied againstthe “wholegamut” of private and public colleges by late May, mostly as students sought the return of tuition fees, saying they received asubstandardservice online. Some colleges might now seek a “liabilityshield” to protect against future prosecutions before they reopen. For universities, it all adds up to “their greatest challenge in history”, she says. That may sound alarmist, but it is probably true.









chop/t p/n. 砍;排骨;商标;[网]削球vt. 剁碎;砍


chop and changev. 变化无常

chop backv. 急忙倒退,突然转向

chop logic


pork chopn. 猪排


We had to chop a way through the undergrowth.


predate/pri 'de t/ v. 提早日期,居先


We predate any police force in the country.


The city's history predates even him.


accelerate/ k'sel re t/ vt. & vi. (使)加快, (使)增速


Catalysts are something used to accelerate chemical action.


criminology/ krimi'n l d i/ n. 犯罪学;犯罪学家


Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones were stabbed to death, both had been studying criminology.


sprawl over蔓延;扩展


A few lichens of the species Usnea melanoxanthra sprawled over the black rocks.


bucolic/bju 'k l k/ adj. 牧民生活的,田园风味的,乡村风味的n. 牧歌;田园诗;农民;牧人


Far from being a bucolic retreat, much of the green belt is intensively farmed.


valiant/'v l nt/ adj. 勇敢的n. 勇敢的人,勇士


The valiant soldier was given a medal.


crave/kre v/ v. 恳求;渴望


crave forv. 渴望


And you may also crave more food than usual.


long-standing/'l st di / adj. 长期存在的


The United Kingdom and Portugal hold the longest standing alliance in the world which started in 1386.


in good shape状态不错


The bilateral relationship is in good shape.


endowment/ n'da m( )nt/ n. (经常的)资助,捐助;捐助的财物等;天赋,天资,才能;养老保险


endowment assurancen. 人寿保险单

endowment insurance



endow vt. 捐赠;天生具有;赋予


The hospital was founded on an endowment fund.


demography/d 'm gr f / n. 人口统计学adj. 人口统计学的


We see a big gap in the demography.


drift down漂降;降低


It didn't happen and since then the prices have drifted down by almost 20 dollars a barrel.


endowment/ n'da m( )nt/n. (经常的)资助,捐助;捐助的财物等;天赋,天资,才能;养老保险


You mean situations where you need to protect the endowment.


pile up debt债台高筑

discount/'d ska nt/ n. 数目, 折扣vt. & vi. 打折扣, 减价出售;不考虑; 不全信


at a discount


cash discountn. 现金折扣


The shop has a special discount for newlyweds.


inefficient/ n 'f ( )nt/ adj. 无效率的, 效率低的, 无能的, 不称职的


The problem with central planning is that it's inefficient.


go bust破产,完蛋;失败


In the hugely competitive market, at least three other bike sharing companies have gone bust in recent months.


bequest/b 'kwest/n. 遗产;遗赠


She had left me $50,000. I didn't remember her saying anything about her bequest.


winnow/'w n /vt. 簸;把…挑出来;精选n. 扬谷;扬谷器


The people who have brains and courage come through and the ones who haven't are winnowed out.


consolidation/k n,s l 'de n/ n. 巩固,加强,强化;联合,统一;合并;变坚固


Consolidation makes it possible for you to store memories for late retrieval indefinitely.


overdue/ v 'dju / adj. 迟到的;过期的;未兑的


be overdue


overdue account


overdue and pay a fine



The sanctions list was about a month overdue.


merge with融入(车流中);与…结合;于…联合


The sparkles from these myriads of diamonds were merging with each other.


bungle/'b g( )l/vt. &vi. 搞糟,完不成;笨手笨脚地做n. 拙劣的工作


And a bungling criminal is caught on tape in Spartanburg, South Carolina.


levy against对...征收


Flynn discussed recent sanctions, penalties that the Obama administration had levied against Russia.


gamut/'g m t/ n. 全音阶;全音域;整个范围


So should companies, which can be skewered over an expanding gamut of gripes.


substandard/s b'st nd d/ adj. 不够标准的,在标准以下的


He cast the company as an abhorrent peddler of heartburn and substandard bowel movements.


liability/la 'b l t / n. 责任, 义务; 倾向;债务;妨碍, 不利


You have the liability for military service.



Nathan Grawe of Carleton College in Minnesota, who researches demography and higher education, says the core difficulty is the slipping fertility rate.

这个句子,主干是:Nathan Grawe says the core difficulty is the slipping fertility rate.后面的of Carleton College in Minnesota点明Nathan Grawe的所属,再后面的who researches demography and higher education是一个定语从句,修饰Nathan Grawe,说明Nathan Grawe是做什么的。


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