公司新闻12月24日,富瑞特装子公司富瑞能服的吉富6井10万方/天LNG项目顺利调试投产出液化天然气,为2023年画上了一个圆满的句号。On December 24th, the 100,000 m³/day LNG project of Well JiFu 6 was successfully commissioned and put into production of liquefied natural gas, marking a successful year for 2023.项目自2023年11月15日土建施工,12月10日机械竣工,12月20日开井调试,12月24日投产出液,仅用40天,创造同类项目建设新纪录,这离不开项目组及全体参建同事们的辛勤付出和不懈努力。The project started civil construction on November 15, 2023, and the machinery was completed on December 10. Well opening and commissioning was carried out on December 20, and liquid production was put into operation on December 24. It only took 40 days to set a new record for the construction of similar projects. The hard work and unremitting efforts of the project team and all colleagues involved in the construction are greatly appreciated.


The JiFu 6 Well 100,000 m3/day LNG station is carried out by FRES, which is responsible for the transition installation and operation project of LNG skid-mounted equipment. The successful commissioning of this project provides a good example for the sustainable development of the company's scattered gas recovery and processing services, and has accumulated valuable experience for the construction and operation of similar projects in the future.

子公司介绍江苏富瑞能源服务有限公司(简称:富瑞能服)为张家港富瑞特种装备股份有限公司(简称:富瑞特装)的控股子公司,成立于2020年9月29日,专业提供咨询、海外EPC和技术支持方面的专业液化天然气加工服务。富瑞能服是以提供高端制造和现代一体化服务为主的能源服务企业,是江苏省现代服务业和先进制造业深度融合发展的“双融”示范企业和高新技术企业。 往期回顾   富瑞特装 | 温暖平安,圣诞快乐富瑞特装 | 冬至福至,幸福安康富瑞特装 | 为爱接力,公司组织开展无偿献血活动富瑞阀门 | 公司批量交付多品种、规格液氢用阀门富瑞特装 | 公司组织开展合同法律专题培训

供稿 | 凡海南

编辑 | 王黎敏

审核 | 陈亮



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