1930年 - 童年时期


In 1930, Warren Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. From an early age, he showed a keen interest in numbers and money. He even proposed to his mother the idea of buying stocks. Warren Buffett: "Mom, can I use the money I saved to buy some Coca-Cola stock?" Warren Buffett's mother: "wait until you grow up to talk about these things.." Although rejected by his mother, Warren Jr.'s curiosity about financial investment has intensified. ”

1942年 - 少年时期


In 1942, at the age of 12, Buffett bought his first stock. Warren Buffett: "I must make big money in the stock market and let my family live a better life." Although the first investment was not a success, he learned that investing requires patience and the value of long-term investment.

1956年 - 年轻的投资者


In 1956, Warren Buffett created his own investment partnership, Warren Buffett Partners. Under his management, the partnership's capital grew rapidly. Warren Buffett: "We look for companies that are undervalued by the market, buy them and hold them for the long term As long as we see it, time will be our friend. With his precise vision and deep understanding of the market, Buffett's reputation has gradually expanded.

1965年 - 伯克希尔哈撒韦


In 1965, Warren Buffett bought a textile company that was on the verge of collapse and turned it into an investment giant. Warren Buffett: "Warren Buffett: We will build Berkshire Hathaway into an investment fortress. holding stocks of high-quality companies and benefiting in the long term." "Through Warren Buffett's astute investments and corporate management, Berkshire Hathaway has grown to become one of the world's most successful investment firms.

2008年 - 全球金融危机中的“股神”


In 2008, when the global financial crisis swept in, Warren Buffett bucked the current and decisively invested in companies such as Goldman Sachs and General Electric, fully demonstrating his unparalleled investment courage and confidence. Warren Buffett: "Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy.Now is our time to flex our muscles." Now is the time for us to make a difference. His contrarian investments not only saved a number of companies, but also brought great returns to Berkshire Hathaway, further cementing his position as the "god of stocks".

2024年 - 投资传奇


In 2024, at the age of 94, Buffett is still active in the investment world, and his wisdom and vision continue to influence countless investors around the world. Warren Buffett: "No matter how volatile the market is, remember, investing is a long-term game. As long as you insist on value investing and wait patiently, success is ahead. Warren Buffett, an ordinary man who came out of Omaha, has become a world-recognized "stock god" through wisdom and perseverance.









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