I think 98% to 99% of investors should be highly diversified, but not frequently traded, and their investments should be about the same as a very low-cost index fund. For the average investor, investing that way is the right way to go. It's a different story if you want to be actively involved in investing, researching companies and actively making investment decisions. Since you've decided to put in the time and effort to get your investments right, I think diversification is a big mistake.


If you can really read business, you shouldn't own more than six. If you can find six good businesses, you've diversified enough, you don't need to diversify any more, and you can make a lot of money. I guarantee you that instead of investing your money in the one business you have the best idea for, you'll go back to the seventh business and fall in the ditch. There are very few people who get rich on the seventh best idea, and many people who get rich on the best idea.


Any investor with an average amount of money, if they do know the business they're going to invest in, six is a lot, and if it were me, I'd probably just pick the three that I'm most optimistic about. Personally, I don't diversify, and I can usually find three fantastic businesses in my lifetime and make a lifetime's worth of money that I can't spend. Bad things don't happen to all three at the same time, I mean, that's what characterizes really good companies.












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