坚定不移地计划在明天开盘竞价时果断抄底买入朗科科技整整 3800 股。要深知购买的最佳时机应选在无人关注、备受冷落之时,而卖出则应在众人狂热追捧、趋之若鹜之际。据分析预测,明天朗科科技极有可能会强势呈现出一根气势恢宏的反包大阳线的走势,这主要是因为今天成交量显著放大,大量恐慌性抛盘得以充分释放,并且当前其股价处于绝对的底部位置,根本不存在任何获利盘。所以,明天中阳反弹的可能性可谓是大幅增加。其一,朗科科技作为性价比超高、极具潜力的新质生产力国资改革股,众多实力雄厚的机构和基金纷纷争先恐后地入场加仓,这无疑清晰地表明市场极度看好朗科的长远价值投资。朗科业绩表现格外出色,但股价却出现了严重背离的状况,在短短不到两天的时间里,跌幅竟然达到了令人咋舌的 12 个点。如此急跌且放量的态势,必然会引发强烈的反弹。其二,当敏锐地发现一个股吧里的股民都在不顾一切地割肉时,此位置往往就是珍贵的短线底部。因为筹码峰已经接近最低点,意味着 99.9%的参与者(包括庄家)都处于严重的亏损状态。其三,从成交量柱细致观察来看,连续出现放量下跌,在不到短短两天的时间跌幅就达到了 11%。当市场情绪压抑到极限时,必然会迎来一波力度可观的反弹。其四,大盘已经成功探底回升,抄底像朗科科技这样的价值龙头股无疑是当下最具性价比的明智选择。最后,与大家由衷地共勉一句话:买在无人问津处,卖在人声鼎沸时。如此一来,您或许就能精准地买在底部,从而比所有人都具备无可比拟的成本优势。


     Unswervingly, it is planned to resolutely buy 3,800 shares of Longke Technology for bottom fishing at the opening bidding tomorrow. One should deeply understand that the best time to buy is when it is ignored and neglected, while the time to sell is when it is enthusiastically pursued by everyone. According to the analysis and prediction, it is highly possible that Longke Technology will strongly present a magnificent anti-packing big positive line trend tomorrow. This is mainly because the trading volume has significantly expanded today, a large number of panic sell-offs have been fully released, and its stock price is currently at the absolute bottom position, with no profit-making positions at all. Therefore, the possibility of a mid-positive rebound tomorrow can be said to have increased significantly. First, as a state-owned capital reform stock of new-quality productive forces with super cost performance and great potential, many powerful institutions and funds have scrambled to enter the market to increase positions. This undoubtedly clearly indicates that the market is extremely optimistic about the long-term value investment of Longke. Longke's performance is exceptionally excellent, but the stock price has shown a serious deviation. In less than two days, the decline has reached an astonishing 12 points. Such a sharp decline with a large volume is bound to trigger a strong rebound. Second, when it is acutely found that all the shareholders in a stock bar are desperately cutting their positions, this position is often a precious short-term bottom. Because the chip peak has approached the lowest point, it means that 99.9% of the participants (including the banker) are in a serious loss state. Third, observing carefully from the trading volume column, there has been a continuous decline with a large volume, and the decline has reached 11% in less than just two days. When the market sentiment is depressed to the limit, a considerable rebound is bound to come. Fourth, the market has successfully bottomed out and rebounded. Bottom fishing for value leading stocks like Longke Technology is undoubtedly the most cost-effective and wise choice at present. Finally, sincerely share a sentence with everyone: Buy when it is unnoticed and sell when it is bustling. In this way, you may be able to accurately buy at the bottom and thus have an unparalleled cost advantage over everyone.


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