
Recently, Hou Juncheng, Chairman of Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd., was invited to participate in an interview with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). In the video, Chairman Hou Juncheng shared the company’s efforts in sustainable raw material procurement and its experiences as an RSPO member. Additionally, Hou Juncheng emphasized Proya’s initiatives in palm oil traceability and outlined the company’s sustainable development strategy for 2022 to 2025. Lastly, Chairman Hou Juncheng conveyed congratulations to RSPO on its 20th anniversary.

作为国货美妆上市龙头企业,珀莱雅公司秉持“美美相生,共向未来”的可持续发展理念,以扎实的可持续发展管理为基础,关心人与生态的可持续发展,用卓越的产品创造美, 与伙伴、消费者一起传递美、成就美。

As a leading listed domestic beauty company, Proya upholds the sustainable development concept of “Beauty Aspirations for a Shared Future.” With solid sustainability management at the core, we truly care about human and ecological sustainability. We create beauty with our first-class products, share it with our partners and consumers, and empower communities.


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