In the golden month of September, the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit kicked off in Beijing, with heads of state from many African countries gathering together to jointly open a new era of China-Africa friendship and cooperation. As an outstanding representative of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation, Foton Motor, with its 20 years of deep accumulation in the African market, has drawn a new and brilliant chapter on the magnificent canvas of China-Africa cooperation.


Foton's achievements shine in the African continent


Since its first foray into Africa in early 2004, Foton Motor has taken deep root in this promising continent, gradually expanding its market presence at a steady pace, achieving a steady increase in market share and a leapfrog improvement in brand influence.


In 2024,standing at the new starting point of the 10th anniversary of the "Belt and Road" initiative, Foton Motor has taken advantage of the momentum and achieved a series of brilliant cooperation results in the African market: in ia, 120 AUMAN heavy-duty trucks and 150 VANs have been strongly deployed, providing solid support for local freight and passenger transport with their excellent performance; in Zambia, Foton Motor has won the favor of major customers many times, and 150 AUMAN heavy-duty trucks were quickly repurchased and set off smoothly; in Ethiopia, Foton Motor's 100 customized AUMAN heavy-duty trucks won wide acclaim, and a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for subsequent large-scale purchases was signed at the delivery site; and in Senegal, the first batch of 100 high-quality medium and heavy-duty trucks were successfully delivered, helping to accelerate the progress of local projects.


Foton Motor not only firmly takes root in the core areas of logistics, transportation and infrastructure construction in Africa with its excellent product matrix and all-round efficient service network, but also deeply integrates into this hot land through forward-looking strategic layout and popular local activities. In South Africa, Foton Motor launched the "Lighthouse Project" to empower South Africa with its "ICE+BEV" dual-line product power and build a dealer network covering the entire territory; in Zimbabwe, a successful strategic and new product launch conference was held, which not only demonstrated Foton Motor's latest commercial vehicle technology achievements, but also opened a new chapter in market expansion through close cooperation with well-known local dealers;At FILDA 2024 in Angola, FOTON Africa's Angola Representative Office worked with partners to fully demonstrate the excellent performance and style of the entire series of Foton Motor family products.

福田汽车不仅凭借卓越的产品矩阵与全方位的高效服务网络,稳固扎根于非洲物流运输与基础设施建设的核心领域,更通过前瞻性的战略布局与深入人心的属地化活动深度融入这片热土。在南非,福田汽车启动“灯塔计划”,将“ICE+BEV”双线产品力赋能南非,并构建起覆盖全境的经销商网络;在津巴布韦,成功举办战略暨新产品发布会,不仅展示了福田汽车最新的商用车科技成果,更通过与当地知名经销商的紧密合作,开启了市场拓展的新篇章;在安哥拉FILDA 2024上,福田非洲区安哥拉代表处携手合作伙伴,全方位展现福田家族全系列产品的卓越性能与风采。

Adhering to the concept of "it is better to work together to make the cake bigger than to grab the cake", Foton Motor is committed to building a commercial vehicle ecological community. At present, Foton Motor has established a number of KD factories, parts warehouses, training centers and other supporting facilities in African markets such as Ethiopia, Egypt, Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania and other African markets. Foton Motor has more than 100 employees in Africa. The KD factories have provided and created more than 10,000 jobs for the local area and provided employment skills training for more than 10,000 people, which not only created value for the local industrial chain, but also provided employment opportunities for the local area and promoted the sustainable development of Africa.


Join hands with Africa to create a new chapter for the future


Faced with the unlimited potential of the African market, Foton Motor, with its far-sighted strategic vision, has officially released its African market development strategy. Through three three-year action plans, it will complete the construction of system capabilities across the entire value chain, including products, networks, services, accessories, finance, and talent, achieve breakthroughs in key businesses such as heavy trucks and pickup trucks, and become a leading brand of commercial vehicles in Africa.


Under this strategy, Foton Motor continues to increase its investment in the African market, and with the fighting spirit of ‘TO DO, TO TRY, TO WIN’, it is fulfilling Foton's internationalization mission. By increasing R&D investment, optimizing product structure, and improving sales and service networks, it is constantly improving its brand influence and market share. With high-quality products, reliable services and strong local support, it has won wide recognition and trust from African customers.


Thanks to the guidance of the China-Africa national strategy,Foton heavy-duty commercial vehicle exports to Africa from January to August increased by 153% year-on-year. In the future, Foton Motor will continue to implement the spirit of the China-Africa Forum Summit, provide African customers with high-quality products and integrated solutions, and continue to increase investment in the African market with a more open attitude, and work with African partners to contribute more Chinese wisdom and Chinese strength to the economic and social development of Africa.



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