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由于中国在钢材、各种材料以及人工成本(上) 的优势,使得我们能够向全球的建筑陶瓷行业提供最有性价比的陶瓷机械。








Very happy to welcome all the guests in the golden autumn,in the nice city coast city,Lily。Thank you,welcome。

In the past 3 years, KEDA had built nine factory with the very advanced digitalize,the intelligent system of the high level factories, investment is 300 million euros. Total service is 1 million square meter,very big factory, high level.

We hace the capability to produce 1,000 presses,1000 Squaring& Chamfering Machine, 400 polishing, surely we are the big capacity for the machinery and the machines supplier.

Actually,before consider the quality of the machinery we delivery of the world,we are already number one for delivering the ceramic machinery.

Because we have an advantage of low cost of material in China.That's why we are in position to offer the best ratio of performance,the cost of a ceramic machinery to all of our customers in the world.

All the countries we are produced a ceramic and facing the problem of over capacity. That's why the Compete issue is more tough. So the production line with more than 10 years,all the lines need to upgrade the new machinery to improve the competitive,otherwise we have to face this over supply, over capacity.

In China we have bigger advantage of low cost and high performance, not only machinery we can also offer the consumable material and spare parts to all customers in the world. we have big advantages.

Keda is not only a supplier of the machinery. We are trying to shift from the machine supply to be a service supply.

We are also solusion company to offer the best service and consumable material spare parts to serve all the customers in the world with the best performance and a low cost.

We are host of spare parts and consumable material. All the country we have produced ceramic. We can offer high performance in the low price consumable material spare parts, and the close service ,quick service to serve all the customers in the world.

We are going to also build up a local team in different country with more than 1,000 people make a close service. That's why we help all our customers in the world to reduce your cost and improve your ability to compete in the markets. This is we can contribute to our customers to use our high performance consumable material and the best service.

We appreciate so much to you for a long term in the support KEDA and we are showing our filial respect for all of you like filial prior to our parents. We thank you so much for your support for a long term. We will feedback with our best service,the high performance machinery and the low cost. Thank you so much!

We sincerely invite all of you take a chance to visit China,visit KEDA. All the local expensive, we will pay all the expensive in China visiting KEDA, and we can go together. Thank you, thank you so much.

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