科达制造闪耀Tecna 2024:打造“全球陶瓷生产服务商”,开启全球合作新篇章

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9月27日,备受瞩目的全球陶瓷行业盛会——2024年意大利里米尼陶瓷工业展览会(Tecna 2024)圆满落下帷幕。在为期四天的展览期间,科达制造携旗下五大品牌精彩亮相,与来自世界各地的参展商及观展客户一道,共享这场金秋时节的行业盛宴。

On September 27, the highly anticipated global ceramic industry event—Tecna Expo 2024—concluded successfully. During the four-day exhibition, KEDA Industrial Group showcased its 5 brands, joining exhibitors and visitors from around the world in celebrating this industry gala of the golden autumn season.

科达制造凭借长期深耕的“全球化”战略,已与全球超过70个国家和地区保持着密切的业务往来。在Tecna 2024展上,科达制造旗下的科达陶机、力泰陶机、唯高陶机、广东康立泰以及F.D.S. Ettmar等品牌展位上,汇聚了来自世界各地的客商。他们跨越不同大洲,拥有不同的肤色、信仰,都在此共叙友情、共谋发展,深入探讨各品牌所展示的创新产品的性能特点,共商合作大计。科达制造凭借多品牌、多制式、全系整线的优势,致力于为全球客户创造更大的价值,让客户更加信赖并选择科达,实现双方的共赢。

With a well-established globalization strategy, KEDA Industrial Group maintains strong business relationships across 70+ countries and regions worldwide. At Tecna Expo 2024, the booths of KEDA Industrial Group—including KEDA Ceramic Machinery, HLT&DLT, ICF & Welko, Quanitech, and F.D.S. Ettmar—drew attention from customers spanning diverse continents, backgrounds, and beliefs. 

They came from different continents, with diverse backgrounds, and beliefs. Together, they exchanged friendships, discussed development opportunities, and explored the performance and features of the innovative products showcased by each brand, while planning future collaborations.

Leveraging its strengths in multi-brand, multi-standard, and complete production line solutions, KEDA Industrial Group is dedicated to creating greater value for global customers. This commitment has earned the trust and loyalty of its customers, fostering win-win partnerships worldwide.


On the evening of September 24 (Italy time), KEDA Industrial Group hosted a grand global customer appreciation banquet at the Grand Hotel Rimini. The event was filled with distinguished guests and a vibrant atmosphere. Nearly 100 customer representatives groups from Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa, including leading global ceramic companies such as DALTILE under MOHAWK (USA), LAMOSA (Mexico), SCG (Thailand), RAK (UAE), MARAZZI and LAMINAM (Italy), KALE (Turkey), JOHNSON and SIMPOLO (India), and RRIME (Vietnam), gathered to witness the beginning of a new chapter in KEDA's “Globalization” collaboration.


During the banquet, Chairman of KEDA Industrial Group, Mr. Cheng BIAN, reaffirmed the company's commitment to becoming a "Global Ceramic Production Service Provider". 

He emphasized, "We will offer affordable spare parts and consumables with better service worldwide. We plan to establish warehouses in major production areas across the globe, employ local service teams, and form a global service network of over a thousand people. Our goal is to provide cost-effective machinery, spare parts & consumables, ensuring superior service for ceramic manufacturing." 

By leveraging the combined strengths of "Machinery + Service", KEDA Industrial Group aims to build a one-stop platform that offers hassle-free, efficient, and cost-saving solutions, helping customers gain a competitive edge in the market.

面对全球陶瓷行业转型升级的迫切需求,科达制造在本次展会针对性地带来了“智能化”、“数字化”、“绿色化”、“服务化”等专业解决方案,以积极行动呼应Tecna 2024展主题“How to make it”。

In response to the urgent need for transformation and upgrading in the global ceramic industry, KEDA Industrial Group presented professional solutions centered on "Intelligentization", "Digitalization", "Greenification", and "Servitization". These initiatives actively aligned with Tecna Expo 2024's theme, "How to Make It."

在展位上,新一代擎系列高效智能磨边机、多元智能摆动超洁亮、激光堆高AGV、科达全新18系列压机、恒力泰YP90 & YP09系列压机等智能化设备,节能喷雾干燥塔、适配多种能源解决方案的陶瓷窑炉、5G Carboneutral辊道窑、卫生洁具&餐具隧道窑等节能低碳装备,以及行业数字解决方案——甄陶MOM数字化工厂平台,优品墨水、数码微雕、包裹墨水、数码洞石等表面装饰解决方案,以及琳琅满目的原厂配件&耗材、辅机设备等全工序的配套服务,深受现场客户青睐,大量客商前来问询了解。

At the booth, KEDA Industrial Group showcased a variety of intelligent machinery, including the Next-generation KEDA KING Series Efficient Intelligent Squaring & Chamfering Machine, Multi-section Intelligent Swing LUXCO Coating Machine, Stacker Laser AGV, KEDA New 18 Series Press, and HLT YP90 & YP09 Series Press. 

The display also featured energy-saving and low-carbon machinery such as the Energy-efficient Spray Dryer, Ceramic Kiln compatible with various energy solutions, the 5G Carboneutral Roller Kiln, and Tunnel Kilns for Sanitary Ware & Tableware.

The exhibition also featured KEDA's industry-leading digital solutions —the Zhentao MOM Digital Factory Platform—along with surface decoration solutions like High-quality Ink, Digital Micro-Carving, Inclusion Ink,and Digital Travertine. A wide range of original spare parts, consumables, auxiliary machinery and other support services for complete production processes were also on display. These innovative offerings attracted significant attention, with numerous visitors expressing a keen interest in learning more.


From its first participation at MARMOMAC 1999 to its 8th appearance at Tecna Expo 2024, KEDA Industrial Group has achieved significant advancements in its products and services through over 30 years of continuous innovation. This progress has elevated the company to new heights, solidifying the success of its globalization strategy. 

Moving forward, KEDA Industrial Group is committed to working with customers worldwide to tackle industry challenges, taking on the mission of driving innovation and development. Together, KEDA Industrial Group will contribute to the intelligent, efficient, green, low-carbon, and sustainable growth of the ceramic industry!

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