东方雨虹亮相墨西哥建筑建材展览会EXPO CIHAC

2小时前 北京东方雨虹防水技术股份有限公司,1995年进入建筑防水行业,二十余年来,东方雨虹为重大基础设施建设、工业建筑和民用、商用建筑提供高品质、完备的防水系统解决方案
近日,第34届墨西哥国际建材展EXPO CIHAC在墨西哥Citibanamex中心隆重举办。作为建筑建材系统服务商,东方雨虹携商用、工业领域优质产品及系统解决方案强势亮相,向全球客商多维度展示企业作为建筑建材系统服务商的品牌实力与创新成果。
Oriental Yuhong made a strong impression at the 34th EXPO CIHAC, recently held at the Citibanamex Center in Mexico. As a building materials system service provider, Oriental Yuhong showcased high-quality products and system solutions in the commercial and industrial fields, demonstrating the company's brand strength and innovative achievements to global customers from multiple dimensions.

EXPO CIHAC is one of the most influential architectural events in Latin America, held annually for 34 years. This grand exhibition brought together over 500 industry-leading enterprises from around the world, showcasing the latest building materials, cutting-edge innovative technologies and unique design concepts. The event provided an excellent opportunity for attendees to gain in-depth insights into industry trends, innovative achievements and development trends, further promoting global exchange and cooperation in the building materials industry.

Oriental Yuhong presented innovative products, application technologies and supporting system solutions in key business areas, including SBS-modified bitumen waterproofing membranes, TPO system solutions, waterproof coatings, grout, VEAP re-dispersible latex powder and Hongrui intelligent equipment. Through detailed explanations, technical demonstrations and interactive exchanges, Oriental Yuhong attracted numerous exhibitors and customers, creating a lively atmosphere on-site.

This participation in the EXPO CIHAC not only showcased Oriental Yuhong's strong development strength and independent innovation capabilities to global customers but also further highlighted the company's product and service capabilities through a series of professional, efficient, safe and reliable products and system solutions, effectively enhancing the brand's international recognition and influence.
"To be the most valuable global enterprise in the construction materials industry" is Oriental Yuhong's vision and the direction for all employees. Currently, Oriental Yuhong's overseas footprint covers 141 countries and regions, including Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Indonesia, frequently appear

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