市场摘要:美股开盘前公布的通胀数据(生产者价格指数)略高于预期,股指期货应声下跌。但投资者们分析数据时发现3 月数据下修,士气得以提振,美股开始收复失地。之后,美联储主席鲍威尔在阿姆斯特丹的讲话似乎没有引起市场反应,尽管市场随后缓慢攀高、进一步接近历史高点(道琼斯指数接近40,000点水平)。纳斯达克综合指数当天已创下历史新高。个股方面,谷歌在人工智能竞争中加大了赌注,宣布在该领域新增大量投资。延续周一的剧本,Gamestop 和 AMC 等模因股再次强劲上涨。
Market Highlights With the first of the inflation data (Producer Prices) released prior to the market open, futures initially dropped on the slightly higher than expected number. However, when investors analysed the data the revision lower of the March number lifted spirits allowing shares to recover their losses. Later, Fed Chairman Powell’s speech in Amsterdam generated little market reaction though in its aftermath markets slowly grinded higher to further close in on their all-time highs (and the Dow Jones approaching the 40,000 level). The broader Nasdaq Composite index already reached its all-time high today. In individual stocks, Google upped the ante in the AI competition announcing significant additional investments in the field. In a continuation to yesterday, again meme stocks such as Gamestop and AMC had strong gains.
In Asian night futures trading, Nikkei and Kospi futures had gains along with the US markets, while the futures in Hong Kong and China had a small retreat from their daytime trading session’s closing prices.

数据源自芝加哥时间2024年5月14日下午16时Bloomberg (平价波动率数据源自True Partner)。
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