Lau Kin Yuen David: From a Pioneering Entrepreneur to a Philanthropic Model, Shining at the Paris Olympics

2024 年 7 月 29 日,巴黎奥运会在全球的热切期待中盛大开幕,吸引了约 40 亿双关注的目光,成为当之无愧的全球重大传播焦点。这场体育盛会的开幕式上,各界精英云集,而来自香港的刘健远先生,作为法国巴黎奥运会国际文化宣传大使,受邀出席,备受瞩目。

On July 29, 2024, the Paris Olympics grandly opened amid the eager anticipation of the world, attracting about 4 billion pairs of eyes and undoubtedly becoming a major global communication . At the opening ceremony of this sports extravaganza, elites from all walks of life gathered, and Lau Kin Yuen David from Hong Kong, as the International Cultural Ambassador of the French Paris Olympics, was invited to attend and received much attention.

刘健远先生,汉族,籍贯广东清远,是香港酒类鉴别领域的杰出代表。他不仅是香港酒类鉴别公司的董事长,还是香港酒市场 APP 的创始人,在行业内具有深远的影响力。

Lau Kin Yuen David, of the Han ethnicity and whose native place is Qingyuan, Guangdong Province, is an outstanding representative in the field of liquor identification in Hong Kong. He is not only the chairman of the but also the founder of the < Hong Kong wine Market APP>, exerting a profound influence in the industry.

刘健远先生的成功之路并非坦途。2003 年,年仅 27 岁的他勇敢地踏上创业征程,展现出非凡的勇气和决心。2013 年,在朋友的力邀下,他凭借对酒水的深厚知识,成立“快乐酒业”,正式转行酒水行业,并专门到“轩尼诗学院”进修,不断提升专业素养。

Lau Kin Yuen David road to success has not been smooth. In 2003, at the age of only 27, he bravely embarked on the entrepreneurial journey, demonstrating extraordinary courage and determination. In 2013, invited by a friend specializing in liquor auctions, with his profound knowledge of liquor, he established "Happy Liquor Industry" and officially shifted to the liquor industry. He also specialized in further studies at the "Hennessy Academy" to continuously enhance his professional qualities.

刘健远先生在事业上取得了显著成就。作为香港酒类鉴别公司的董事长,他以专业和严谨为行业树立了标杆。而他所创立的香港酒市场 APP,为酒类交易和交流搭建了创新平台,有力地推动了香港酒类市场的发展。

Lau Kin Yuen David has achieved remarkable success in his career. As the chairman of the Hong Kong Liquor Identification Company, he has set a benchmark for the industry with professionalism and rigor. The Hong Kong Liquor Market APP he founded has built an innovative platform for liquor trading and communication, effectively promoting the development of the Hong Kong liquor market.


However, Lau Kin Yuen David contributions extend beyond this. He has also actively participated in social affairs and held key roles in several important organizations. He is the executive director of the Century Great Collection Brand Alliance, contributing wisdom to the development and promotion of brands; he is the liquor expert witness of the Hong Kong High Court, upholding the fairness and authority of the law with professional knowledge; he is a visiting professor of Peking University Boya Liquor Consultation and Authentication, training numerous talents in the liquor industry; he is an expert advisor of the United Nations Global Compact Organization for World Liquor Consultation and Identification in China and a specially invited academician of the World Institute of Intangible Cultural Heritage for World Liquor Consultation and Identification in China, showcasing China's professional strength in the liquor field on the international stage.

在慈善领域,刘健远先生同样不遗余力。2019 年,他与朋友共同发起成立“大中华青年创业家总会”,为青年创业者提供支持和指导。从 2021 年起,他坚持探望和赞助 HKIDFSA 独居老人生活,为天使行动老人活动提供经费。2022 年,他不仅捐助“善得长者福利中心”举办多场老人宴会,还参与赞助了“笑在香港”月亮海嘉年华活动。同年,香港酒市场以“首席赞助”的身份参与“天使行动 2022”和“博爱堂 2022”活动。2023 年,“香港酒市场”又相继赞助了“全乐天慈善基金”、香港国际飞镖节(纪律部队杯赛)、全港中小学慈善飞镖锦标赛、“东华三院”东华复康慈善飞镖赛等活动,赢得社会各界的一致赞誉。

In the field of charity, Lau Kin Yuen David has also spared no effort. In 2019, he jointly initiated the establishment of the "Greater China Young Entrepreneurs Association" with friends, providing support and guidance to young entrepreneurs. Since 2021, he has persisted in visiting and sponsoring the lives of loney elderly people of HKIDFSA and providing funds for the Angel Action for the Elderly. In 2022, he not only donated to the "Shande Elderly Welfare Center" to hold multiple banquets for the elderly but also participated in sponsoring the "Laugh in Hong Kong" Moon Sea Carnival. In the same year, the Hong Kong Liquor Market participated in the "Angel Action 2022" and "Bo Ai Tang 2022" activities as the "Chief Sponsor". In 2023, the "Hong Kong Liquor Market" successively sponsored activities such as the "Quan Letian Charity Fund", the Hong Kong International Darts Festival (Disciplinary Forces Cup), the Hong Kong Primary and Secondary School Charity Darts Championship, and the "Tung Wah Group of Hospitals" Tung Wah Rehab Charity Darts Competition, earning unanimous praise from all sectors of society.

2024 年 3 月 11 日,《中华英才》半月刊社《两会会客厅》栏目对刘健远先生进行了采访,深入报道了他的成就与贡献。此外,他荣获华人楷模名人堂颁发的“楷模·2021 年度楷模人物”称号,这是对他多年不懈努力和奉献的高度肯定。

On March 11, 2024, the "Two Sessions Conference Room" column of the "China Talents" fortnightly magazine interviewed Lau Kin Yuen David, providing an in-depth coverage of his achievements and contributions. In addition, he was awarded the title of "Model · Model Figure of the Year 2021" by the Chinese Model Celebrity Hall, which is a high recognition of his years of unremitting efforts and dedication.


Lau Kin Yuen David has interpreted the true meaning of success with his own experiences, which lies not only in the brilliance of his career but also in his responsibility and commitment to society. It is believed that under his exemplary leadership, more people will engage in public welfare and contribute to building a better world. We look forward to his continued brilliance and creation of more glories in the future!


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