市场摘要:继亚洲市场上涨之后,美股开盘上涨,标普500指数和道琼斯指数一度接近历史高点。几位美联储主席发表讲话后,投资者们对鲍威尔主席周五在杰克逊霍尔(Jackson Hole)的讲话感到担忧。虽然预计 9 月会降息,但很可能只降 25 个基点,再往后就是人们担心的“降息缓慢”。美股市场下行(科技股首当其冲),而美债利率上涨。AI芯片制造商英伟达和马斯克的特斯拉领跌,银行和能源公司股则逆势上涨。健身器材公司Peloton股价飙升35%,该公司的财报没有人们之前担心的那么糟糕。
Market Highlights Following gains in Asian markets, US equities started the day with gains as the S&P 500 and Dow Jones approached their all-time highs. After several Federal Reserve Presidents spoke, investors worried about the speech by Chairman Powell Friday in Jackson Hole. While a rate cut in September is to be expected, it will likely be only 25 basis points and afterwards it is feared to be “slower to lower”. Stocks dropped, led by technology names while US interest rates rose. AI chipmaker Nvidia and Elon Musk’s Tesla led the decliners, while banks and energy companies rose. Fitness equipment firm Peloton surged 35% after earnings that were less bad than feared.
Tonight will be the last day of the Democratic Convention in Chicago, on which Kamala Harris will accept the nomination for President, formalizing the race against Donald Trump.
In Asian night futures trading, all equity index futures declined with the Hong Kong markets giving up their gains from the daytime trading session.

数据源自芝加哥时间2024年8月22日下午16时Bloomberg (平价波动率数据源自True Partner)。
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