SmartGen展会 | 众智科技亮相第三届EESA储能展

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在本次展会中,众智科技全方位地展现了其于新能源领域的多元化产品阵容。展会现场,公司呈现了涵盖 BMS 控制系统、EMS 控制系统、锂电池保护板、储能变流器以及工商业储能系统等一系列产品。这些产品不但彰显了众智科技在新能源技术层面的深厚积淀,亦展现出公司在推进可持续能源发展方面的坚毅决心。

众智科技研发的 BMS 电池管理系统与 EMS 混合能源控制系统,在会场中呈现出卓越非凡的性能与前沿的技术实力,成功吸引了众多关注的目光。该系统凭借先进的算法、精准的监测以及高效的能源调度能力,博得了众多客户的一致赞誉。







「 往期文章 」

SmartGen交流 | 热烈欢迎成都安美科莅临众智科技指导交流

SmartGen文化 | 家庭日大揭秘:City不City?

SmartGen | 激发创新,提升卓越——产品应用工程师业务能力考核比赛圆满结束

Exhibition | SmartGens Appearance at EESA 2024

The 3rd CHINA International Energy Storage Expo will be held from September 2nd to 4th, 2024, at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. The exhibition focuses on showcasing energy storage system solutions and core equipment, advanced energy storage technology and applications, energy storage equipment and components, hydrogen energy and fuel cell technology, renewable energy generation and system integration, testing and certification of transmission and distribution systems and equipment, standardization services, intelligent charging infrastructure and electric transportation, intelligent charging infrastructure and electric transportation, EPC and investment markets, etc., covering the entire upstream, midstream and downstream industrial chain of the energy storage industry.

As a member of EESA, SmartGen brought new energy products to this exhibition.

Amidst this Expo, SmartGen showcased its diverse range of products within the new energy domain. With meticulous attention to detail, the company presented an array of innovative products, including BMS systems, EMS systems, industrial & commercial energy storage systems, lithium-ion battery protection boards, and energy storage converters. These products not only represent SmartGen's extensive expertise in new energy technology but also underscore its steadfast commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions.

SmartGen's recently developed Battery Management System and Hybrid Energy Control System attracted significant attention for their exceptional performance and cutting-edge technical prowess. These systems received favorable reviews from customers for their advanced algorithms, precise monitoring function, and efficient energy scheduling feature.

Furthermore, SmartGen's lithium-ion battery protection board series won praise from both new and existing customers for its outstanding performance. Additionally, the company's industrial & commercial energy storage system, renowned for its ultimate safety, intelligent management capabilities, high energy efficiency, and user-friendly operation, emerged as a favorite among customers. The outstanding performance of these products underscores SmartGen's innovative prowess and market competitiveness within the new energy sector.

SmartGen Stand: 41C82

Hold time:September 2-4,2024

Exhibition location: NECC (Shanghai)

We warmly welcome everyone to come to the site for exchange and guidance!


「 Wonderful reading in the past 」

Exchange | Warm Welcome to AMICO Gas Power Co., Ltd.

SmartGen Culture | Family Day Revealed: Is It City or Not?

SmartGen | Innovation & Excellence: PAE Ability Competition Ended


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