




根据《全球光伏》的调研,目前中国光伏设备制造商的北美订单已在排队,尽管全球产能面临过剩,尽管美国已对中国光伏电池和组件Say No,但却给中国光伏设备出口创造了另一历史机遇。


1.Silicon growth furnaces, including Czochralski crystal growth furnaces, designed for growing monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of a mass exceeding 700 kg, for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000).


2.Band saws designed for cutting or slicing cylindrical monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of an initial mass exceeding 400 kg into square or rectangular ingots (boules), for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000).


3.Machines designed to align and adhere square or rectangular monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of an initial mass exceeding 200 kg to plastic support boards on metal mounting plates to provide support during diamond wire sawing, for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000).


4.Diamond wire saws designed for cutting or slicing square or rectangular monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of an initial mass exceeding 400 kg into solar wafers of a thickness not exceeding 200 micrometers (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000).


5.Wire guide roller machines, presented with diamond wire saws designed for slicing square or rectangular monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of an initial mass exceeding 400 kg into solar wafers of a thickness not exceeding 200 micrometers, all of the foregoing for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000).


6.Coolant fluid recycling machines, presented with diamond wire saws designed for slicing square or rectangular monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of an initial mass exceeding 400 kg into solar wafers of a thickness not exceeding 200 micrometers, all of the foregoing for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000).


7.Degumming machines designed to remove adhesives from solar wafers (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000).


8.Texturing, etching, polishing, and cleaning machines designed to prepare, repair, clean, etch, polish or texture the solar wafer substrate, whether or not integrated with automation equipment for transferring solar wafers from one process station to the next, all the foregoing for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.20.0000).


9.Thermal diffusion quartz-tube furnaces, designed to diffuse dopant impurities into square or rectangular silicon wafers, whether or not integrated with automation equipment for transferring solar wafers from one process station to the next or boat loading or unloading machines, all the foregoing for use in solar cell manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.20.0000).


10.Plasma-enhanced or low-pressure chemical vapor deposition machines designed to deposit amorphous or nanocrystalline layers on one or both surfaces of a solar wafer, whether or not integrated with automation equipment for transferring solar wafers from one process station to the next, all the foregoing for use in solar cell manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.20.0000).


11.Physical vapor deposition (PVD) machines, designed to deposit a thin film of transparent conducting oxide on one or both surfaces of a solar wafer, whether or not integrated with automation equipment for transferring solar wafers from one process station to the next, all the foregoing for use in solar cell manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.20.0000).


12.Screen printing line machines, including sintering furnaces for printing conducting contacts on both surfaces of a solar wafer, whether or not integrated with automation equipment for transferring solar wafers from one process station to the next, and whether or not integrated with equipment for solar cell testing, all the foregoing for use in solar cell manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.20.0000).


13.Machines designed for transporting polysilicon material to growth furnaces and machines designed for transporting monocrystalline ingots (boules) and wafers throughout the solar wafer manufacturing process, including machines for loading or unloading solar wafers during the diamond wire slicing process (described in statistical reporting number 8486.40.0030).


14.Machines designed for lifting, handling, loading, or unloading of solar wafers of a thickness not exceeding 200 micrometers, for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.40.0030).



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