公司2024 年 1-9 月实现营业收入1.63亿元,同比增长34.34%;实现净利润5,020.74 万元,同比增长82.10%。公司预计2024 年全年实现营业收入2.87亿元,同比增长 25.50%;预计实现净利润 8278.00 万元,同比增长 32.18%。行业内主要企业:北京航天驭星科技、北京天链测控技术有限公司、西安寰宇卫星测控与数据应用有限公司、华如科技(301302)、航天科工仿真(系航天发展000547子公司)、航天宏图(688066)、超图软件(300036)。航天数字仿真横跨航天工程、模拟训练、智能分析、仿真等多个综合领域,国内专 业从事航天数字仿真这一高精尖产业的企业普遍处于业务上升期,与公司规模相近或业 务可比的业内企业较少,国内 A 股市场及新三板市场尚无在该领域与公司完全可比的公司。
星图测控(920116)公司系专业从事数字太空科技服务的商业航天企业,致力于以数字化手段提升、增强和拓展卫星、火箭等实体进出空间、探索空间、利用空间、开发空间的能力与效益。公司利用空间科学及新一代信息技术,研发并推出了以洞察者平台为核心的数字太空系列产品,面向特种领域、民用领域、商业领域提供航天测控管理、航天数字仿真相关的产品和技术服务。公司依托航天器高精度轨道、姿态、控制计算,测控资源 智能筹划与调度,卫星全生命周期健康管理及测控装备一体化设计与智能管控等核心技 术,研发了具有完全知识产权、国产自主可控的洞察者系列产品。公司业务发端于航天 特种领域,凭借核心技术团队在特种领域多年来高标准交付国家重大航天工程任务所积 累的技术优势,目前已全面拓展至特种领域、民用航天和商业航天领域。
基于洞察者系列产品以及积累的各类航天领域核心算法,公司支持航天任务全过程 管理,包括设计、规划、测试、发射、运行、应用等各环节,响应包括但不限于轨道设 计、星座组网设计、地面站网设计、系统仿真验证、航天器监测与管控、碰撞预警与规 避、离轨方案设计、模拟训练、科普教育等各种业务需求,为特种领域、民用航天、商 业航天领域客户提供技术开发与服务、软件销售、测控地面系统建设、系统集成等航天 综合解决方案。公司针对航天任 务涉及专业领域广、定制化程度高、细分领域技术门槛高的特点,利用洞察者系列产品 的高集成度、强拓展性以及丰富的航天核心算法,向用户提供基于洞察者系列产品的航天综合解决方案。随着航天科技的蓬勃发展,以太空站位及视角深刻造福和改变地球生产、生活已成 为现代人类科技活动的重要组成部分,太空资产逐步成为世界各国竞相角逐的新型战略 资产。星图测控所处的航天测控管理和航天数字仿真行业属于航天产业范畴。航天又称空间飞 行、太空飞行、宇宙航行或航天飞行,是指进入、探索、开发和利用太空(即地球大气 层以外的宇宙空间,又称外层空间)以及地球以外天体各种活动的总称。航天产业包括空间技术、空间应用、空间科学三大领域,涵盖利用火箭发动机推进的跨大气层和在太 空飞行的飞行器及其所载设备、地面设备的制造业、发射服务业和应用产业。
At present, the competition for space resources is fierce, and communication, navigation, remote sensing and other satellites are developing rapidly, especially the construction of low orbit satellite Internet constellation. SpaceX proposed the "Starlink" Starlink program in 2015 and currently plans to build a super giant constellation of nearly 42000 satellites; Announced the launch of the "StarShield" program in 2022, aimed at serving the US national security agencies and fundamentally enhancing the US military's communication reconnaissance, space situational awareness, and space-based defense capabilities. OneWeb, a British company, first proposed a plan for 648 low Earth orbit satellites in 2015 and applied to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2021 to deploy 6372 LEO satellites. The Kuiper satellite deployment plan of Amazon, a US company, was approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2020. The plan has scheduled up to 92 launch services, invested over $10 billion, and deployed 3236 satellites. Lynk&Co announced a plan to deploy 5000 low Earth orbit satellites in 2021 and became the world's first company to obtain a commercial license for satellite communications from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in September 2022. Faced with the competitive landscape of continuously increasing space investment by major aerospace powers around the world, China has also accelerated the construction of a space power. Among them, China's largest "GW" 10000 satellite Internet constellations are planned to launch 12992 satellites, and the domestic satellite Internet industry market is growing rapidly. Against the backdrop of rapid deployment in satellite constellation construction, space tracking and control management plays an important role in improving the operational efficiency of spacecraft, ensuring the safety of space assets, and enhancing the economic benefits of space activities. Space tracking and control management is facing a continuously growing market demand with broad market prospects.
Special fields are the traditional application direction of aerospace digital simulation. Since 2012, China's expenditure in special fields has entered a moderate growth stage. At the same time, in response to the deepening development of "space armies", "space sovereignty", and "hybrid warfare" by various countries, as well as the challenges of modernization, equipment automation, and intelligent competition in international military equipment, domestic aerospace digital simulation has gained broader market development space. In addition, due to the high-risk, high-value, and high investment characteristics of the aerospace field, relevant units have more urgent requirements for the digital demonstration and design of aerospace equipment. The demand for aerospace digital simulation is more complex, and funding investment continues to increase. Overall, the demand for aerospace digital simulation in traditional application directions such as special fields will continue to increase. With the accelerated development of China's aerospace industry, the steady progress of building a strong aerospace country, and the gradual opening up of commercial aerospace, the demand for aerospace measurement and control management and aerospace digital simulation is gradually increasing. Industrial policies encouraging industry development, such as the "National Satellite Navigation Industry Medium - and Long Term Development Plan" and the "Notice on the Medium - and Long Term Development Plan of India's Civil Space Infrastructure (2015-2025)", have been successively issued. With the continuous implementation of innovative applications of emerging technologies and the sustained efforts of domestic industrial support policies, the integration with aerospace measurement and control management and aerospace digital simulation continues to improve, and space launch activities are growing rapidly. According to relevant statistics, the number of space launches in China from 2020 to present has been 39, 55, 64, and 70 respectively, showing a rapid growth trend. The increasingly frequent aerospace activities are driving the continuous deepening and expansion of related application fields, driving the sustained growth of market size. It is expected that the aerospace measurement and control management and aerospace digital simulation industries will maintain a long period of rapid growth.
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