$江 铃B(SZ200550)$ $江铃汽车(SZ000550)$
Yeah, Adam, I'll start with that and then I think Jim will cover the rest of your question. So, we are profitable in China in and of itself in China. Jim mentioned $600 million of total profits and that includes our exports primarily to the rest of Asia and South America. So going asset light has allowed us to stay profitable within China. And then the export strategy primarily from our JMC and exporting those vehicles to the rest of Asia as well as South America is driving significant profit in Ford Blue.
是的,亚当,我会从这一点开始,然后我认为吉姆会涵盖你剩下的问题。所以,在中国我们本身就是盈利的。吉姆提到总利润为6亿美元,这包括我们的主要出口到亚洲和其他地区以及南美洲。因此,轻资产策略使我们能够在中国保持盈利。然后,从我们的JMC和出口这些车辆到其他亚洲国家以及南美洲的主要出口策略正在推动福特蓝(Ford Blue)实现显著利润。
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