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The predecessor of Manst Optoelectronics was MANST's General Semiconductor Division which established in 2021. Since its inception, the division has consistently focused on the broad semiconductor fields of novel solar cells, display panels, and advanced board-level packaging.

During its development, it leveraged the advantages of MANST's headquarters and collaborated with the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to jointly establish a “Perovskite Thin Film Solar Cell Joint Laboratory”. Through the independent development of customized coating heads, high-precision injection pumps, and other key technologies, Manst Optoelectronics has acquired the capability for synergistic research and development of "formulation-process-equipment" for large-scale perovskite industrialization. Additionally, it has completed the industrial layout for large-area solution film uniform coating and crystallization integration.

Owing to Manst Optoelectronics' robust independent research and development capabilities, and its steadfast adherence to a strategic business philosophy, the company has garnered significant influence within the broad semiconductor field.

Manst Optoelectronics has made groundbreaking progress in overcoming the technical challenges associated with large-area coating of perovskite solar cells. It has pioneered the domestic introduction of a GW-level mass production flat coating system (with a coating width of 2.4 meters). This advanced system significantly advances the transition of perovskite solar cells from laboratory research to large-scale industrial production.

Recently, Manst Optoelectronics successfully received the contract award notification for its independently developed GW-level mass production flat coating system (with a coating width of 2.4 meters). This awarded product represents China’s first domestically developed ultra-large flat coater.

This successful bid not only signifies Manst Optoelectronics’ full recognition by downstream market customers but also successfully disrupts the long-standing monopoly of foreign competitors in the development of ultra-large coating equipment.

The establishment of Manst Optoelectronics is a significant step for MANST in deepening its market presence and scaling its business operations. This move also holds substantial strategic importance for MANST's expansion within the broad semiconductor field.

In today's world, where sustainable development has become a global consensus, MANST and Manst Optoelectronics will adhere to the principle of "seizing opportunities and forming synergy." Leveraging their own technologies to support product development, Manst Optoelectronics consistently focuses on transforming research outcomes into tangible products and services. Ultimately, both MANST and Manst Optoelectronics are committed to breaking the monopoly of foreign technologies and promoting the high-quality development of China's new energy industry.

That's all

see you next time



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