
Recently, the 2024 Securities Star ESG Seminar was successfully held in Shanghai. Proya, recognized for the outstanding performance in the ESG field, was included in the TOP100 ESG Investment Value list. We also received the Securities Star ESG New Benchmark Enterprise Award. The award aims to recognize green enterprises that emphasize both economic efficiency and social responsibility, providing exemplary modelsfor ESG development in China.


In response to the increasing environmental awareness of consumers and their demands for green, safe, and low-carbon products, Proya has established a sustainable product assessment system while implementing a thorough sustainability development strategy from original innovation to end products. We established the Sustainable Product Evaluation Working Group. We have further improved and refined the Proya Sustainable Product Assessment System. In 2023, Proya made improvements primarily in “sustainable attributes of packaging, sustainable palm oil, and low-carbon factories,” contributing to sustainable upgrades throughout the entire product lifecycle.


In terms of product packaging, we invited packaging experts to jointly formulate the Proya Sustainable Packaging Management Manual and provided training for relevant departments to establish a basis for enhancing the sustainability of product packaging. In terms of sustainable palm oil, the Company officially joined the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in 2023, continued to review the use of palm oil derivatives and relevant raw materials in existing products, and started to replace existing materials with RSPO-certified palm oil. In terms of constructing low-carbon factories, Proya actively promoted the digital and intelligent transformation of factories, thereby driving the upgrade of product quality and green manufacturing through full-lifecycle digital management.

在战略供应商的管理上,珀莱雅主动与战略供应商合作,共同聚焦于降低碳排放这一重要任务。通过在供应链中强化环境评估标准,各方携手探索低碳生产技术和高效能源利用方案,目标是逐步建立起具有示范效应的低碳供应链体系。2023年,珀莱雅与十家战略供应商就碳排放管理目标达成一致,并于珀莱雅二十周年战略发布会共同发布“携手零碳 美力同行”减碳宣言,承诺到2025年实现自身碳排放降低

In managing strategic suppliers, Proya works with them to align the common focus on reducing carbon emissions as a key task. By strengthening environmental assessment standards in the supply chain, all stakeholders work together to explore low-carbon production technologies and efficient energy utilization solutions. The purpose is to gradually establish a low-carbon supply chain system that serves as a demonstration. In 2023, Proya reached a consensus with ten strategic suppliers on carbon emissions management and jointly released the Together for a Zero Carbon Future, Beauty in Harmony carbon reduction manifesto at our 20th anniversary strategy release conference, during which we committed to reduce carbon emissions by 2025.


For years, Proya has been deeply committed to social welfare activities, proven by a series of meticulously designed brand marketing campaigns around public welfare themes. In 2023, we maintained our focus on four main topics: gender equality, love and caring, youth and growth, and mental health. Besides, Proya donated funds to establish the Zhejiang Proya Public Welfare Foundation. With the vision of “uniting the power of love to make the world a better place for love,” the Foundation is committed to enabling more people to live a better life. Its welfare priorities include “promoting education development,” “seeking innovation in community,” “responding to emergencies and disasters,” and “providing benefits for employees.”


As a leading listed domestic beauty company, Proya recognizes that robust business operations and sound ESG management are the foundation of our sustainable development. Looking ahead, we will truly care about human and ecological sustainability with solid sustainability management at the core. We will create beauty with our first-class products, share beauty with our partners and consumers, and empower communities through beauty. We will create countless beautiful moments to shape a better future.


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